Southampton Southern Rivals (Day 2)

Posted: 21 October 2021 in evolution.

Day 2

This was the day where the elite assembled and would create a tough challenge for both RX teams. Both teams had a fantastic 1st event with one of them in the top 3. Events 2 and 3 were tightly poised with 15 teams in contention of the podium. Event 4 was to test strength skill and conditioning with the most amount of points awarded for the complexity of the movement. Both teams enjoyed their moment on the competition floor with much of the audience heavily attended by our Evo community. Both teams ended there day in the top 15 which was a huge achievement given that many were new to this environment and have only been competing in CrossFit for a few months.

The days events left a bitter taste in the mouth which encouraged teams to book the spots for the retest in April 2022, where they seek their moment on the podium.

The competition really showed how much our community stood together to support one another and provided a test to the countless workouts participated leading up to the event. Our calendar is already populating with 2022 becoming a very busy competition year ahead.

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